Why Do Soccer Players Use Resistance Bands?

I am sure you have seen football (soccer) players using resistance bands before a game or in training. Many people ask why do players use resistance bands so I thought I would answer this question.

Soccer players use resistance bands during warm-ups to increase flexibility and range of motion among the joints. They are also used in training for building upper and lower body muscle strength as part of a fitness conditioning program to help reduce the risk of injuries.

There are so many related questions regarding resistance bands, so if you are interested in finding out more information on this topic and you would like to know 11 resistance band exercises, then this blog post is for you!

Do resistance bands really work?

Resistance bands do work effectively, over a long period of time, on various types of fitness goals as long as you consistently utilise the bands and perform the exercises with a high level of effort.

A study has shown that, in comparison to free weight training, power resistance band training generated a significant improvement of 1 rep max (RM) in the squat.

Also to work effectively you need to increase the number of repetitions, along with the level of resistance on a frequent basis.

So if you do all the above then the short answer is Yes! Resistance bands do work. 

How do you use resistance bands?

Resistance bands work by using a body part as an anchor for one end of the resistance  band so that the band can place resistance on an exercise. This can be done by placing the feet or hands, for example, through the hole or by tying the end to a limb (depending on the type of band being used).

To see in more detail of how each individual exercise works, you will be able to see this in the 11 resistance band exercise that I show later in this blog post.

Benefits of resistance bands

In general, the obvious benefits of resistance bands are joint mobility, improving strength and with rehabilitation. Other, maybe less obvious benefits include:

  • Connection between mind and body
  • Learning of targeted muscles
  • Enhances the standard of exercise
  • Engagement of stabilising muscles
  • Greater functional training
  • Improves form

Connection between mind and body

Resistance band exercises require the mind to be focused so that you can feel the tension and control the release which will allow you to sense the muscles that are being worked.

Learning of targeted muscles

With the focus needed for the mind and body, this will help you learn which muscles are being worked (the targeted muscles) for the various exercises as you will be able to feel each muscle working. This means you will be able to squeeze the muscles for as long as possible to get the maximum benefit of each contraction.

Enhances the standard of exercise

Since you are maximising each contraction, in addition to the muscles being under persistent tension, considerably enhances the standard of exercise due to the muscles working with a greater intensity.

Engagement of stabilising muscles

Resistance bands place a huge focus on engaging stabilising muscles and therefore builds up the body’s core strength.

When using machines there is less need for these stabilising muscles to work, hence the reason why free weights are more commonly prescribed. However, especially for less experienced users of free weights, it is not uncommon to sometimes use momentum (swinging) to help execute an action and therefore not engage the core muscles. 

Greater functional training

Since resistance bands allow for more functional or dynamic exercises (where multiple muscles are working at the same time), it is excellent for applying sport specific movements and working the joints.

Improves form

The significance of the focused mind leading to higher concentration levels means that the action being performed is constantly being monitored and therefore you are able to adjust to make sure that the exercise is being done correctly and without losing good posture.

The focus on quality is the most important factor!

Benefit for a coach

Using resistance bands offer a massive benefit for coaches who’s team might not have access to a gym or have limited time with their players. These benefits are:

  • Portable (simply put in a bag)
  • Can be used anywhere
  • Affordable
  • Time efficient (can be used within a training session)

11 resistance band exercises for soccer

Straight leg raise

Stand inside the resistance band and place the band around both ankles. Stand up straight with the hands on the hip and move one leg forward before slowly bringing it back.

Main targeted area – Hip flexor and quadricep

Backward raise

Stand inside the resistance band and place the band around both ankles. Stand up straight with the hands on the hip and move one leg backwards before slowly bring it back.

Main targeted area: Glutes and hamstring

Ankle Flex

Sit down and place the band around both feet (you can also work just one foot at a time). Have a partner put their foot inside to act as an anchor. Create some distance between yourself and your partner until you have some resistance and then start bringing your toes towards your body (dorsiflexion).

Main targeted area – Joint mobility

Lateral walking

Stand inside the resistance band and place the band around the outside of both ankles. Feet shoulder width apart, band should be taught, and knees slightly bent in the half squat position. Move the right leg sideways, Maintaining the half squat, and then bring you left in but keep the resistance band taught.

Main targeted area – Hip abductors and gluteus medius / minimus

Diagonal walk

Loop the band around the lower leg with the feet shoulder width apart and slight bend of the knees. Starting with the right leg, take a step diagonally to the right and then bring the left foot in line with the right, keeping the shoulder width distance. Then repeat but lead with the left foot.

Main targeted area – Glutes and hip abductors

Hamstring curl

Stand on part of the band using the back part of the sole (under the heel) and place the other end around the ankle of the right foot. Bend the right knee and bring the heel towards your butt. Make sure that the thighs remain parallel.

Main targeted area – Hamstring and glutes

Running man

Main targeted area – Quadriceps, hamstrings (hip flexor and Extensor) and calves

Jumping jacks

Resistance band is placed around both ankles, feet hip width apart. Move both legs out wide (at the same time) and then bring back to the starting position.

Main targeted area – Hip abductors / adductors (gluteus minimus)

Knee drive

Place the band around the feet (sole and top of the foot) with feet hip width apart. Using the arms, as you would when running, drive the right knee up and bring down. Repeat this action for X number of times before changing legs.

Main targeted area – Hamstring, quadriceps, hips and glutes

Ball Kicks

Place the band just below the right knee, bend your left knee to bring your left leg up and put the band around the top of the foot. Simply move the left foot forward as if you were volleying the ball. Always keep the foot that is working off the ground with the toe pointing towards the floor in a plantarflexion position.

Main targeted area – Knees and quadriceps

Power kicks

Place the band around both ankles. Bring the right foot back (touching the floor) and then perform a volley by kickick forwards. Repeat X number of times before changing legs.

Main targeted area – Quadriceps and hamstrings


MakeMaterialResistance LevelsPrice £/$ (Sale)Link
TomshooNylon Rubber Yel: 5-15LBS
Red: 15-35LBS 
 Blk: 30-60LBS
Pur: 40-80LBS
Grn: 50-125LBS




BestopeRubber LatexRed: 5-35LBS
 Blk: 25-65LBS
Pur: 35-85LBS
Grn: 50-125LBS
£28.99 (£24.64)

$33.85 (39.82)

GritinRubber Grn: Light
 Blu: Medium
 Yel: Heavy
Pnk: X-Heavy
 Blk: XX-Heavy
£7.64 (£9.59)

$10.50 (13.17)

Prices at the time of writing (sale price) & non affiliated links